from flask import request, jsonify from flask_restx import Resource, Namespace, reqparse from app.functions.roll_physical_attack import roll_physical_attack namespace = Namespace('gameplay', description='Gamma World Rules') parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('dac', type=int, required=True, help='REQUIRED: Defender Armour Class. Needed for both attacks') parser.add_argument('awc', type=int, help='OPTIONAL(*): Attacker Weapon Class. Only needed for weapon attacks') parser.add_argument('ahd', type=int, help='OPTIONAL(*): Attacker Hit Dice. Only needed for non-weapon attacks') parser.add_argument('modifier', type=int, help='OPTIONAL: Roll Modifier') @namespace.route('/attack/physical') # resolves to: /gameplay/attack/physical class PhysicalAttack(Resource): @namespace.expect(parser) def get(self): dac = request.args.get('dac', type=int) awc = request.args.get('awc', type=int) ahd = request.args.get('ahd', type=int) modifier = request.args.get('modifier', type=int) # Request validation if dac is None: return {"error": "'dac' parameter is needed"}, 400 if (awc is None and ahd is None) or (awc is not None and ahd is not None): return {"error": "Exactly one of 'awc' or 'ahd' parameters must be provided"}, 400 try: result = roll_physical_attack(dac, modifier, awc, ahd) return result, 200 except ValueError as e: return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 400