
238 lines
7.4 KiB

import random
from flask import Flask
from flask_cors import CORS
from flask_restx import Api, Resource
from .functions.roll_dices import roll_dices
from .functions.role_physical_attack import roll_physical_attack
from .functions.roll_mental_attack import roll_mental_attack
from .functions.build_character_sheet import build_character_sheet
from .functions.roll_ability_scores import roll_ability_scores
from .functions.roll_ability_check import roll_ability_check
from .functions.roll_encounter import roll_encounter
from .functions.roll_mutations import roll_mutations
from .tables.physattack import AttackerWeaponClassMatrix, AttackerHitDiceMatrix
from .tables.mentattack import MentalAttackMatrix
from .models.models import dice_model, ability_model, hp_model, character_model, encounter_model, ma_model, \
mutation_model, check_model, pa_model
from .schemas.schemas import DiceSchema, CharacterSchema, EncounterSchema, MentalAttackSchema, AbilitySchema, \
HPSchema, MutationSchema, CheckSchema, PhysicalAttackSchema
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_JSONEDITOR'] = True
api = Api(app, version='1.0', title='Gamma World Dice', description='Rolled Dice As A Service')
dice = api.namespace('dice', description='Dice operations')
ability = api.namespace('ability', description='Ability operations')
hp = api.namespace('hp', description='HP operations')
ma = api.namespace('ma', description='Mental Attack operations')
pa = api.namespace('pa', description='Physical Attack operations')
mut = api.namespace('mut', description='Mutation operations')
character = api.namespace('character', description='Character operations')
encounter = api.namespace('encounter', description='Encounter operations')
check = api.namespace('check', description='Check operations')
check_model = check.model('Check', check_model)
check_schema = CheckSchema()
ability_model = ability.model('Ability', ability_model)
ability_schema = AbilitySchema()
mutation_model = mut.model('Mutation', mutation_model)
mutation_schema = MutationSchema()
hp_model = hp.model('HP', hp_model)
hp_schema = HPSchema()
dice_model = dice.model('Dice', dice_model)
dice_schema = DiceSchema()
ma_model = ma.model('MA', ma_model)
ma_schema = MentalAttackSchema()
pa_model = pa.model('PA', pa_model)
pa_schema = PhysicalAttackSchema()
character_model = character.model('Character', character_model)
character_schema = CharacterSchema()
encounter_model = encounter.model('Encounter', encounter_model)
encounter_schema = EncounterSchema()
@api.route('/coinflip', methods=['GET'])
class RollCoinflip(Resource):
def get():
return random.choice(['Heads', 'Tails']), 200
@api.route('/roll/chance', methods=['GET'])
class RollChance(Resource):
def get():
return roll_dices(1, 100, False), 200
@api.route('/roll/dice', methods=['POST'])
class RollDice(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = dice_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
quantity = data.get('quantity')
geometry = data.get('geometry')
discard_lowest = data.get('discard_lowest')
if quantity is None or geometry is None:
return {"message": "Required dice data not provided"}, 400
return roll_dices(quantity, geometry, discard_lowest), 200
@api.route('/roll/ability', methods=['POST'])
class RollAbility(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = ability_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
chartype = data.get('chartype')
attribute = data.get('ability')
return roll_ability_scores(chartype, attribute), 200
@api.route('/roll/hp', methods=['POST'])
class RollHP(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = hp_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
chartype = data.get('chartype')
conscore = data.get('conscore')
if conscore is None:
return {"message": "A constitution score is required"}, 400
if chartype == 'human':
geometry = 8
geometry = 6
return roll_dices(conscore, geometry, False), 200
@api.route('/roll/encounter', methods=['POST'])
class RollEncounter(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = encounter_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
terrain = data.get('terrain').lower()
return roll_encounter(terrain), 200
@api.route('/roll/attack/mental', methods=['POST'])
class RollMentalAttack(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = ma_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
ams = data.get('ams')
dms = data.get('dms')
modifier = data.get('modifier')
return roll_mental_attack(ams, dms, modifier), 200
@api.route('/roll/attack/physical', methods=['POST'])
class RollPhysicalAttack(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = pa_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
weapon_attack = data.get('weapon_attack') # to pick the attack table
dac = data.get('dac') # needed for both attacks
awc = data.get('awc') # only needed for weapon attacks
ahd = data.get('ahd') # only needed for non-weapon attacks
modifier = data.get('modifier')
return roll_physical_attack(weapon_attack, dac, modifier, awc, ahd), 200
@api.route('/roll/check', methods=['POST'])
class RollCheck(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = check_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
ability_score = data.get('ability_score')
multiplier = data.get('multiplier')
return roll_ability_check(ability_score, multiplier), 200
@api.route('/roll/mutations', methods=['POST'])
class RollMutations(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = mutation_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
conscore = data.get('conscore')
intscore = data.get('intscore')
return roll_mutations(conscore, intscore), 200
@api.route('/character/generate', methods=['POST'])
class GenerateCharacter(Resource):
def post(self):
data = api.payload
errors = character_schema.validate(data)
if errors:
return errors, 400
chartype = data.get('chartype')
return build_character_sheet(chartype), 200
@api.route('/matrices/dump', methods=['GET'])
class DumpMatrices(Resource):
def get(self):
awc_table = AttackerWeaponClassMatrix().get_matrix().to_json(orient='index')
ahd_table = AttackerHitDiceMatrix().get_matrix().to_json(orient='index')
mat_table = MentalAttackMatrix().get_matrix().to_json(orient='index')
return {
"Weapon Attack Table": awc_table,
"Non-Weapon Attack Table": ahd_table,
"Mental Attack Table": mat_table
}, 200
if __name__ == '__main__':