#!/usr/bin/env sh # NOTE: This script is meant to run as the entry point script for the docker container. # Running this directly from the host system may produce unexpected results #pipx install awscli --force export PATH="${PATH}":/root/.local/bin #which aws # mvn clean install mvn gatling:test '-DclassName=com.organization.tests.'"${TEST}"'' cid="$(awk -F/ '{print $NF}' /proc/1/cpuset)" #cid=$(cat /dev/urandom |tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'|fold -w 20|head -n 1) echo "CID: ${cid}" # REPORT_BUCKET="REPORT_BUCKET" for _dir in /build/target/gatling/*/ do zip -r test_report_"${TEST}"_"${cid}".zip "${_dir}" # zip -r test_report.zip "${_dir}" # will be copied to /out later # aws s3 cp --recursive --dryrun "${_dir}" s3://"${REPORT_BUCKET}"/test_report_"${TEST}"_"${cid}"/ done