# FOR WINDOWS USERS ## MPV MPV insists on opening a GUI (or "pseudo-gui" as they call it) window, whether you like it or not. So, here is the best mpv.conf I could come up with, under those circumstances: ```ini [default] terminal=yes audio-display=no video=no force-window=no window-minimized=yes idle=yes ``` The window will still be created, but at least, it will be minimized to the taskbar. You should put this file in: `%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\mpv.net\mpv.conf` ## RADIOSTATIONS.INI Make sure your `gostations.exe` is somewhere in your searchable %PATH%. Then, you should only need to change the player.command option: ```ini [DEFAULT] radio_browser.api=all.api.radio-browser.info player.command=mpvnet.exe player.options=--no-video menu_items.max=9999 ``` # FOR EVERYONE ELSE Continue as you are. The sane people don't need to do anything different.