#!/usr/bin/env bash $cecho = '/gmgauthier/.local/bin/cecho'; function border () { local str="$*" # Put all arguments into single string local len=${#str} local i for ((i = 0; i < len + 4; ++i)); do printf '-' done printf '\n| %s |\n' "$str" for ((i = 0; i < len + 4; ++i)); do printf '-' done echo } clear border "Internet Video Console" echo read -p "Search For: " searchphrase ytfzf --detach --notify-playing --ytdl-pref="[height <=? 720]" --sort-by="upload_date" --pages=3 "${searchphrase}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then /home/gmgauthier/.local/bin/cecho "IYellow" "There are no results for '${searchphrase}'"; read -p "Press any key to exit... " -n1 -s else # needed because immediate exit was destroying the handshake between alacritty and ytfzf /home/gmgauthier/.local/bin/cecho "Green" "Your video will play momentarily..." sleep 4 #This only works if the query window is the only open terminal #xdotool search --onlyvisible --classname alacritty windowminimize #sleep 5 #this only works if mpv doesn't become the active window #xdotool windowminimize getactivewindow fi exit 0