2023-01-19 15:22:06 +00:00

139 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File

using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.NUnit;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal;
namespace PlaywrightTests;
public partial class PokeyPageTests : PageTest
private const string ScreenshotRoot = "../../../screenshots/";
private const string HomeUrl = "http://localhost:5296";
private const int AppInitDelay = 5000;
private IPage? _page;
private IBrowser? _browser;
[GeneratedRegex("Home page")]
private static partial Regex HomePageRegex();
private static partial Regex PokeyUrlRegex();
public async Task Init()
_browser = await Playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions() { Headless = true, });
_page = await _browser.NewPageAsync();
await WaitForApp(_page);
public async Task PokeyOptionShouldBePresentInMenu()
// Confirm we've found the Gumby link in the header
var pokeyPageLink = _page!.GetByRole(AriaRole.Link, new PageGetByRoleOptions { Name = "Pokey" });
await Expect(pokeyPageLink).ToHaveAttributeAsync("href", "/Pokey");
public async Task NavigationToPokeyPageShouldSucceed()
await GotoPokey(_page!);
await PageSnap(_page!, "gumby.png");
await Expect(_page!).ToHaveURLAsync(PokeyUrlRegex());
public async Task PokeyImageShouldBePresentOnBrowser()
await GotoPokey(_page!);
Expect(_page!.GetByRole(AriaRole.Img, new PageGetByRoleOptions { Name = "Pokey" }));
public async Task BothTimesShouldBeVisibleOnGet()
await GotoPokey(_page!);
var handleList = _page!.QuerySelectorAllAsync("//*[ contains(text(), 'time is' ) ]").Result;
Assert.That(handleList, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));
public async Task BothTimesShouldMatchOnGet()
await GotoPokey(_page!);
var handleList = _page!.QuerySelectorAllAsync("//*[ contains(text(), 'time is' ) ]").Result;
var time1= await handleList[0].TextContentAsync();
var time2 = await handleList[1].TextContentAsync();
// ReSharper disable once StringIndexOfIsCultureSpecific.1
var startIndex1 = time1!.IndexOf(" is ") + 4;
var dateTime1 = DateTime.Parse(time1[startIndex1..]);
// ReSharper disable once StringIndexOfIsCultureSpecific.1
var startIndex2 = time2!.IndexOf(" is ") + 4;
var dateTime2 = DateTime.Parse(time1[startIndex2..]);
Assert.That(dateTime1, Is.EqualTo(dateTime2));
/*** HELPERS ***/
private static async Task PageSnap(IPage page, string filename)
await page.ScreenshotAsync(new PageScreenshotOptions { FullPage = true, Path = ScreenshotRoot+"/"+filename});
private static async Task ElementSnap(ILocator locator, string filename)
await locator.ScreenshotAsync(new LocatorScreenshotOptions { Path = ScreenshotRoot+"/"+filename });
private static async Task GotoPokey(IPage page)
await page.GetByRole(AriaRole.Link, new PageGetByRoleOptions { Name = "Pokey" }).ClickAsync();
private static async Task WaitForApp(IPage page)
var pageIsLoaded = false;
while (!pageIsLoaded)
await page.GotoAsync(HomeUrl, new PageGotoOptions() { Timeout = AppInitDelay });
pageIsLoaded = true;
await Task.Delay(AppInitDelay);
var appIsLoaded = false;
while (!appIsLoaded)
var titleAsync = await page.TitleAsync();
if (HomePageRegex().Match(titleAsync).Success)
appIsLoaded = true;
// _logger.Information("Error loading app");
// _logger.Information("App not loaded, delaying before retrying...");
await Task.Delay(AppInitDelay);
// _logger.Information($"{nameof(WaitForApp)} completed");