Atari Code |
A site devoted to learning to code on the Atari 8-Bit line of computers
Some standard text.
Some small text
Some very tiny text
Hello, this is a highlighted notice!
Some standard text.
Some small text
Some very tiny text
Some standard text.
Some small text
Some very tiny text
Here is a code block:
100 REM PLAYER/MISSILE EXAMPLE 110 DIM A$(512),B$(20) 120 X=X+1:READ A:IF A<>-1 THEN B$(X,X)=CHR$(A):GOTO 120 130 DATA 0,255,129,129,129,129,129,129,129,129,255,0,-1 2000 POKE 559,62:POKE 704,88 2020 I=PEEK(106)-16:POKE 54279,I 2030 POKE 53277,3:POKE 710,224 2040 VTAB=PEEK(134)+PEEK(135)*256 2050 ATAB=PEEK(140)+PEEK(141)*256 2060 OFFS=I*256+1024-ATAB 2070 HI=INT(OFFS/256):LO=OFFS-HI*256 2090 POKE VTAB+2,LO:POKE VTAB+3,HI 3000 Y=60:Z=100:V=1:H=1 4000 A$(Y,Y+11)=B$:POKE 53248,Z 4010 Y=Y+V:Z=Z+H 4020 IF Y>213 OR Y<33 THEN V=-V 4030 IF Z>206 OR Z<49 THEN H=-H 4420 GOTO 4000
Here is some p3 text. It will be interesting to see how this text is rendered.