--- title: Resources description: Links to useful philosophical content on the internet --- ## Reference * {{< newtab title="The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy" url="https://plato.stanford.edu/" >}} * {{< newtab title="The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy" url="https://www.iep.utm.edu/" >}} * {{< newtab title="Tufts Perseus Digital Library" url="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/" >}} ## Research * {{< newtab title="Gutenberg Library - Philosophy Bookshelf" url="https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/subject/166?sort_order=title" >}} * {{< newtab title="The JSTOR Archive" url="https://www.jstor.org/" >}} * {{< newtab title="PhilPapers Archive" url="https://philpapers.org/" >}} ## Organizations * {{< newtab title="The Oxford Philosophical Society" url="https://oxfordphilsoc.org/index.html" >}}