2024-02-29 21:59:56 +00:00

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Useful CLI scripts that I think are worth sharing.

NOTE: With all of these, you'll need to customize the environment for yourself. I have yet to make things like home directories and what-not generic variables


The scripts in the scripts directory rely heavily the expectation that you already have a number of applications installed on your system. If you're on a Debian or Ubuntu-ish system, then installing them should be more or less as simple as an apt install {whatever}. For the rest of you, you'll have to make your own way. Sorry.

Here is the prerequisite list broken down by script:


This is a little ncurses menu I built for myself. Dependencies will be determined by how you decide to customize the menu for yourself (i.e. what applications you want to put in the menu), but there is one common dependency.

  • dialog - I think this comes automatically with Debian/Ubuntu


prints the initial installation date of your system

  • None


provides colorized echo messages

  • The bash version of printf for best results


performs a grammatical version of code linting, but on your text documents.

  • vale -
  • go - Their Dockerfile (for the docker implementation) calls for golang 1.21
  • .config/vale - included in this repo. Vale is a bit confusing to setup. So, I'm providing my vale config as a 'starter pack'. This just goes into your own ~/.config location.


dumps a list of the directory sizes recursively from your CWD

  • None


A "find-in-files" utility for the console.

  • fd-find - a better substitute for the standard 'find' command


Dumpe a three-day forecast to your console

  • curl, and a network connection (for access to


downloads a youtube video given the web url to the video (and specified resolution)

  • yt-dlp


shows the state of your ethernet/wifi interface

  • ip - I can't remember if this was something I had to install after the fact.


  • None - However, you'll need to modify the script to specify your own editor, and you'll have to create a "memos" directory in your Documents folder.


Tells you if the internet is accessible from your shell.

  • None


Starts a recording from the console, using your default mic

  • alsa-utils - provides arecord which captures the raw audio input
  • vorbis-tools - provides oggenc which encodes it to ogg and stores it to the specified file


Combines the ifcheck, netcheck, wx, and a few other commands into a full screen status display

  • ifcheck - see above
  • netcheck - see above
  • cecho - see above
  • wx - seee below


generates a sine wave of the specified frequency and duration as a wav file.

  • ffmpeg


same as above, only does it in stereo


generates a 1.44MB floppy disk image, and attempts to mount it on your system

  • None - however, you should be careful. This will consume loop devices, in order to mount the created disk


records a short, low-resolution (small size) 15 second audio memo from your default mic

  • arecord
  • mp3 codecs


Launches VLC in ncurses mode, and automatically starts playing music from your ~/Music folder

  • vlc - video lan client


Same as above, but if you have m3u radio stations stored in your vlc config, it will pick a station at random.

  • vlc - video lan client


displays the current weather conditions for your area. You'll need to customize the script.

  • ansiweather - available in Debian and Ubuntu repositories.


A utility for searching and watching youtube videos without a browser

  • ytfzf (which I believe also has a dependency on yt-dlp)